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The Bankruptcy Wave Begins, Airlines Cut Routes As Demand Plummets, 32% Missed Aug. Housing Payments

Ajouté le sam. 15 août 2020 People et blogs Rectangular HD

We have been warning the bankruptcies were probably the largest tail risk but apparently they are so much more than a tail risk. bankruptcies in the US have surged to a 10-year High for the. Leading up to August 9th meaning we are on course to surpass the bankruptcies that occurred during the Great Recession. the main sector that has been affected it happens to be companies that deal with the public though bankruptcies have been rising in just about every sector of the economy. dissolution this time around was to increase debt and one of our biggest problems is if we have not identified the debt was one of our problems not an answer. another concerning trend is the collapse in air travel it's leading major airlines to begin cutting routes to different small cities around the u.s. . now recently there's been a lot of retail investment Talking Heads that have been attempting to convince average everyday Americans to put their money into Airline stocks because of course the famous v-shaped recovery was right around the corner. now at major airlines around the nation we're seeing reports that demand has resumed its collapse there was a brief uptick back toward the beginning of June however it is entirely given out and air travel demand has begun to plummet once again leading Airlines to make some desperate decisions to be able to endure this economic collapse. now Airlines did receive some assistance in the stimulus package there was 25 billion dollars that was set aside to help Airlines weather the storm however they've consumed just about all of it and many of them are in discussions with lawmakers saying that they need 25 billion more or else they will cease to exist. another stipulation to getting those handouts it was that they needed to keep staff on the books they also needed to keep routes operating throughout the u.s. so now that those programs are coming to an end by September 30th they're already preparing to begin cutting even more staff as well as drastically reducing their routes to match demand. another disturbing Trend in the u.s. is the lack of ability to maintain housing costs for u.s. Citizens according to a new survey that was done by a apartment they found nearly one-third of Americans were unable to pay their housing costs in full for the month of August it's actually been four consecutive months of the numbers have been running this high. now I know recently they've been trying to convince Americans now is the time to put their money into the NASDAQ or other stock market Investments however for most people out there their greatest concern apparently is keeping a roof over their head and also keeping food on the table we also see lines at food banks play stretch on for Miles still as we witnessed at a Dallas Food Bank just this past week. most Americans are not focusing on what the shape of this recovery will be and the biggest reason consumer confidence has begun to collapse is that with tens of millions of Americans without a job that just can't be told everything is great they don't believe it because experience shows us if this is a major economic crisis that is being felt by millions around this nation.

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Bankruptcy wave waves of bankruptcies bankruptcies surge to 10 year high bankruptcies reach highest level in a decade bankruptcies surge Bankruptcy highest since great recession airlines cutting routes to smaller cities amid demand collapse air travel demand plummets airlines cutting routes American Airlines cuts routes American Airlines cutting routes amid demand collapse air travel demand collapse 32% couldn't pay housing payments in August


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