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Interstellar Movie Ending... Explained

Ajouté le jeu. 8 févr. 2018 Films et Animations Rectangular HD

INTERSTELLAR - Movie Endings Explained (2014) Christopher Nolan, Matthew McConaughey Michael Caine sci-fi film

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Movie endings, they're usually pretty straight forward right? Everything pays off, the main characters learn something, and our heroes ride off into the sunset. Sometimes though, we don't get the typical ending from a movie, we get something much more nuanced, complex and open ended. The kind of endings that leave things up in the air for all of us to debate and theorise on until we're blue in the face. With Movie Endings Explained, we aim to delve into some of the more ambiguous and mysterious endings to films that have left audiences scratching their heads for years, and to attempt to explain them. In most cases, a definitive answer isn't really there, so we definitely want to hear from YOU on how you interpret the various endings we'll be discussing with this series.

This time, we enter the wormhole of Christopher Nolan's 2014 science fiction epic INTERSTELLAR. After successfully tackling various genres in his inimitable big budget blockbuster style, Nolan took to the stars for this time-and-space bending melodrama. Like any Nolan movie, it fared well at the box office and with critics, but not all were quick to heap praise onto his latest magnum opus. The third act and indeed the ending of INTERSTELLAR left little to be desired for some movie goers, with some flat out balking at the film's outlandish conclusion (following a solid two hours of fairly plausible and theoretically sound science) and others simply not understanding it.

So let's discuss the film's fantastical ending, set inside a mysterious tesseract, and much like Matthew McConaughey's Cooper, we'll float around, musing as to what it all means!

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