
Raspberry Pi 5 vs N100 PC (featuring Ubuntu 23.10)

Ajouté le dim. 14 janv. 2024 Science et technologie Rectangular HD

Raspberry Pi 5 and an N100 Mini-ITX PC compared, running Ubuntu 23.10. Can a Pi 5 replace an N100 PC?

Ubuntu 23.10 can be downloaded for the Raspberry Pi 5 here:

The video in which I constructed the N100 Mini-ITX system is here:

The video in which I edited the whole video on a Raspberry Pi 5 is here:

And the video in which I tested the Pineberry Pi M.2 adapter for the Pi 5 is here:

You can also access all of my Raspberry Pi videos on this page:

And all of my PC build videos are listed on this page:

For additional ExplainingComputers videos and weekly updates, you can learn about becoming a channel member here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbiGcwDWZjz05njNPrJU7jA/join

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00:00 Introduction
00:56 Intel vs ARM (the hardware)
04:29 Mantic Minatour (Ubuntu 23.10)
08:09 CPU Performance
10:23 Video Render
12:34 YouTube
13:45 Wrap

#RaspberryPi5 #N100 #Ubuntu #Raspberry Pi #ExplainingComputers

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Explaining Computers est une chaîne YouTube spécialisée dans la technologie, dont l'objectif est de fournir des explications exhaustives et des expériences pratiques sur une large gamme de sujets informatiques, principalement axés sur les ordinateurs monocarte et les distributions Linux. La couverture comprend des critiques de matériel et de logiciel, des technologies émergentes, des astuces et des astuces, des interviews, des démos de produits, des tutoriels et des discussions animées concernant le domaine de l'informatique personnelle.
Weekly videos on computing and related topics. ExplainingComputers is produced and presented by Christopher Barnatt, who spent 25 years teaching computing and future studies in the University of Nottingham, and who is the author of thirteen books including "Digital Genesis: The Future of Computing, Robots and AI", "3D Printing: Third Edition" and "The Next Big Thing".

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