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What Happened To Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny?!

Ajouté le mer. 1 mai 2024 Divertissement Rectangular HD

The year was 1973, George Lucas had just finished writing the screenplay for what would be his hit coming of age story American Graffiti. A poster on a wall caught his eye, an image of a man leaping between a horse and truck made him lose focus and day dream of the old serialized films he enjoyed as a child. Films such as Buck Rogers, Zorro’s Fighting Legion and Spy Smasher flashed through his brain as he had the instant idea of bringing that type of B-level hero to the big screen. He would take this idea and flesh out a story of a college professor who moonlit as an archeologist adventurer. Little did he know that simple idea would yield one of the greatest and most enduring franchises in movie history as his character Indiana Jones has gone on to appear in five feature films over the course of 42 years that have grossed nearly $2 billion at the worldwide box office. For many, anytime the character graces the screen is cause for celebration but it would seem that the years have not been kind to the fedora wearing hero as his last adventure was met with a giant shoulder shrug by audiences. With his final adventure in our rear views, its time we take a look at just WTF Happened to Indiana Jones and The Dial of Destiny.

#IndianaJones #moviereview

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