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Mushroom Picking Guide 🍄 (Liberty Caps)

Ajouté le ven. 19 oct. 2018 Divertissement Rectangular HD Age restreint

This video has been a long time coming, the official unofficial Mushroom Picking Guide. These are liberty cap mushrooms, found in wetland, grassy areas, from wikipedia "It is both one of the most widely distributed psilocybin mushrooms in nature, and one of the most potent." Couldn't agree more. These are very small mushrooms so it takes quite a lot to hallucinate.


All the mushrooms i picked i left in the field to go back into the ground.

Please do more research into how mushrooms are being used to treat depression.

If you're against mushrooms then tell me why in the comments :)

Big thanks to @Cameronofearth for the thumbnail & general help with technical issues!

instagram: @veeoneeye

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