
Build and Deploy an Amazing Developer Portfolio with Next JS and Framer Motion

Ajouté le ven. 17 mai 2024 Éducation Rectangular HD

Learn how to build and deploy a modern developer portfolio with animations using Next.js. Perfect for showcasing your web development skills!

⭐ Hostinger - https://hostinger.com/mastery10
Use the code JAVASCRIPTMASTERY to save up to 91% on all yearly hosting plans.

🌟 Sentry - https://bit.ly/4abT6PG

🎨 Portfolio Figma Design - https://resource.jsmastery.pro/minimal-portfolio
📘 Portfolio Best Practices Guide - https://resource.jsmastery.pro/portfolio-best-practices
🤖 Special Discord Forum - https://resource.jsmastery.pro/portfolio-discord

🌟 Become a top 1% Next.js 14 developer: https://jsmastery.pro/next14
🚀 Skyrocket your career in 4 months: https://jsmastery.pro/masterclass

📚 Materials/References:
GitHub Repository (give it a star ⭐): https://github.com/adrianhajdin/portfolio
README (assets & code): https://github.com/adrianhajdin/portfolio/blob/main/README.md

💻 Join our Discord Community - https://discord.com/invite/n6EdbFJ
🐦 Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/jsmasterypro
🖼️ Follow us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/javascriptmastery

💼 Business Inquiries: contact@jsmastery.pro

Time Stamps 👇
00:00:00 — Intro
00:05:40 — Project Setup
00:14:48 — Hero Section
00:40:30 — Bento Grid
01:23:18 — Recent Projects
01:43:40 — Sentry
01:52:56 — Testimonials
02:06:00 — Work Experience
02:14:18 — My Approach Section
02:26:24 — Footer
02:35:13 — Fixing Bugs
02:39:19 — Deployment

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Résumé automatique
Cette chaîne YouTube se consacre principalement aux tutoriels de développement logiciel, s'adressant plus particulièrement aux programmeurs intéressés par la construction d'applications modernes dotées de fonctionnalités diverses. Proposant des cours sur React, Next.js, Node.js, TypeScript et le développement full stack, les leçons offrent aux étudiants une expérience pratique pour déployer des projets allant de sites Web simples à des platesformes médias sociaux et des solutions e-commerce complexes.
Master modern web development with a project-based approach