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Why My Voice is Weird

Ajouté le dim. 4 mars 2018 Divertissement Rectangular HD

This was meant to be a fun little parody of the popular 'Why My Voice is Weird' videos until i just gave up and had to face the reality that i am not funny anymore. i don't know when exactly it all changed for me but i am just not the same person i once was and it's making doing videos like this extremely difficult. Stephilee is the voice in the background and she's totally on point with everything she says. This video was too real not to share. Any advice in the comments would be amazing.

Instagram - http://instagram.com/vee3rdeye

I'm Not Autistic - https://youtu.be/jmw6JU8O04A

Merch - http://teespring.com/stores/vee3rdeye

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🌳i plant trees 🌲, climb boulders 🪨 & make videos. 🎬