
This Cow Started a War (Oki Documentary)

Ajouté le dim. 12 mai 2024 Divertissement Rectangular HD

A documentary about the Bundys, a family of cattle ranchers who went to war with the U.S. Federal government and won.

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Directed, written, and edited by Oki's Weird Stories

Shot by Tate Hawver

Music written and performed by Ryan Probert
Guitars by George Tarlton
Percussion and additional sound effects by Merrick Haji-Sheikh
Saxophones by Naomi Sullivan
Original Soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=132z4mLHaw4

Assistant Editing by Nightdocs

Special thanks to Chris Zinda, Ekon, Anomaly Documentaries

Social media:




Thumbnail by Bogexplosionsfw


Up In Arms by John Temple
This Land is My Land by James Skillen
The Nation's Largest Landlord by James Skillen
Chosen Country by James Pogue
American Zion by Betsy Gaines Quammen
Standoff by Jacqueline Keller
Cliven Bundy American Patriot by Michael L Stickler
Sagebrush Empire by Jonathan P Thompson
Mesquite and the Virgin Valley by Geraldine White
This Land By Christopher Ketcham
The Size of the Risk by Leisl Carr Childers
Shadowlands by Anthony McCann
Sagebrush Collaboration by Peter Walker

High Country News
Oregon Public Broadcasting
Las Vegas Review Journal

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