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Résumé automatique
Cette chaîne YouTube présente un contenu captivant et analytique axé sur les classiques et joyaux cinématographiques méconnus, examinant des thèmes allant de l'histoire du cinéma, les parcours d'acteurs et les performances convaincantes. Les spectateurs peuvent s'attendre à des enquêtes approfondies et des discussions couvrant les genres action, comédie, science-fiction, fantastique, animation et autres.
JOBLO ORIGINALS features exclusive original video content series created by those movie-loving fanboys over at JoBlo.com. JoBlo was founded in 1998 and is one of the longest-lasting online movie fansites of all-time -- it was created by movie fans...for movie fans! Our network is comprised of 12 channels, 16M subscribers and over 12 billion lifetime views.

Schedules below...

WTF Happened to this Movie? (bi-weekly)
WTF Happened to this Celebrity (weekly)
WTF *really* Happened to this Movie? (monthly)
WTF Happened to this (Unmade) Movie? (monthly)

The Best Movie You Never Saw (bi-weekly)
Reel Action (monthly)
Fantasizing about Fantasy Films (monthly)
Sylvester Stallone REVISITED (monthly)
John Hughes REVISITED (monthly)
Animation Movies REVISITED (monthly)
Tom Cruise REVISITED (monthly)

What's it really about? (monthly)
Scene Breakdown (monthly)
Gone but not Forgotten (monthly)
Awfully Good Movies (monthly)