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Law & Lawless Part 1 - Lirik GTA V RP Highlights

Published on Thu, Apr 20th 2017 Gaming Rectangular HD

Avon aka The Slippery Fish steps on the wrong side of the law. And the law in Los Santos is spelled E L FUCKIN ' I.
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» Get Lirik merchandise here:
» http://www.dbh.la/lirik

» Follow me on:
» http://www.twitch.tv/lirik
» http://www.twitter.com/lirik

» Eli streaming soon at:
» http://www.twitch.tv/sheriffeli

» Edited by:
» https://twitter.com/FiX_gfx
» https://www.youtube.com/c/TheFiXNormal

» Intro music:
» IPnR Productions - High Life
» https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Tw-wgCO8yA

» Outro music:
» Beatjunkie Rato - Barracuda
» https://soundcloud.com/beatjunkierato/barracuda

» Link to VOD:
» https://www.twitch.tv/videos/135812071?t=1h45m

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The YouTube channel primarily focuses on gaming highlights and Let's Play videos across a variety of genres. It includes multiplayer cooperative sessions, single-player adventures, immersive role-playing games, battle royales, and strategy titles. Viewers can enjoy lighthearted commentary, reactions, tips, and discussions regarding popular and emerging games.
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