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Маша и Медведь - Дальний родственник (15 Серия) Masha and The Bear /FULL HD/

Published on Tue, Jan 31st 2012 Entertainment Rectangular HD - now watch in english! – Masha and The Bear official website

RU: Маша и Медведь - Дальний родственник (Серия 15)
К Медведю в гости приезжает его малолетний племянник Панда. Маша, увидев его, сразу захотела с ним поиграть. В малышах просыпается «дух соперничества» и они не могут поделить между собой ни чемодан, ни конфеты, ни вообще что-нибудь, попавшееся им на глаза. Медведь вовремя понимает, что если направить их соперничество в мирное русло, то Маша и племянник смогут прекрасно помочь ему по дому.

EN: Masha and The Bear - Little cousin (Episode 15)
The Bear's little cousin, Panda, comes over to pay a visit. Masha immediately wants to pal up and spend time playing games. A competitive spirit arouses in our heroes as they can't share anything between each other. The Bear quickly figures out that if he leads their rivalry in peaceful direction, they could greatly help him around the house. - watch all episodes

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Automatic summary
This YouTube channel is dedicated to entertaining and educating children through a variety of animated content. The channel features popular characters such as Tom, Fixik, and Mira, engaging in various adventures, chases, and life lessons. The videos include catchy music, sound effects, and simple narration, aimed at capturing the attention of young viewers. The channel also offers soothing lullabies and gentle narration to help children relax and fall asleep peacefully. With a focus on both entertainment and education, this channel provides a diverse range of content suitable for children of different ages and interests.
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