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The World is on the Brink, It’s Time to Start Paying Attention

Ajouté le sam. 6 avril 2024 Actualités et politique Rectangular HD

Today's episode of the Jay Martin Show features special guest, David Murrin - renowned global forecaster, investor, and author. Join Jay and David as they explore the cycles of war, wealth, and power that have historically shaped our world and our wallets. Unpacking the overlooked conflict that could dictate our future, Murrin offers a unique perspective on the battle for Africa, the rise and fall of empires, and the significant impacts these cycles have on the markets for oil, gold, silver, and Bitcoin. With insights grounded in history and driven by his background in physics, Murrin provides a provocative outlook on where we are in these cycles today and what the future may hold for global hegemony. You'll want to stick around until the end.


Jay Martin University: http://jaymartinuniversity.com/

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0:00 Intro
1:23 The Battle for Africa: Why It's the World's Most Overlooked Conflict
6:14 America's Decline: Murrin Predicts the Future
8:05 The Inevitable Clash: Hegemons in Decline vs Rising Powers
13:37 Democracy vs Autocracy: The Eternal Struggle
15:01 The End of Western Empires: Is America the Last?
20:34 Africa's Strategic Importance in Global Conflicts
26:01 World War III: Are We Already In It?"
31:19 The West's Betrayal of Ukraine
36:09 The Economic Time Bomb: China's Strategy Revealed
39:12 The Rise of Individualism: Its Impact on Society and Democracy
44:25 The Necessity of Lateral Thinking in Leadership
48:14 The Return to Community and Faith: A Trend Among Young Families

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