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XOMG POP! Is a pop group created by Team Siwa!

Get ready for summer 2024

⭐️XOMG POP! Is going on TOUR!!! ⭐️
We will be coming to 10 cities summer! 🔟
🎉Get ready to Party Like a POP Star 💕🎤

💜Get your tickets before they sell out! 🌈

😎VIP PACKAGE includes a pre-show Soundcheck Party, Meet & Greet, Photos and a specially designed VIP gift from XOMG POP!

XOMG POP! girls love singing, dancing,
fashion, YouTube, learning, laughing, girl power and they are best friends!

Brooklynn, Penelope, Dallas, and Tinie T are the are the 4 official members of XOMG POP!

Their new Holiday EP Santa is available everywhere you listen to music!

Their debut album
XOMG POP! album PARTY LIKE A POP STAR charted at #1

**Connect with XOMG POP!**
*MERCH* www.xomgpopmerch.com
*WEBSITE: www.xomgpop.com
*SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3sE67UMG0XZ2TbSvZVadDW?msi=B6kW9K7DQW6v2yb0G6Kp3g