FAQ brands


BRANDED CONTENT CAMPAIGNS WITH YOUTUBE INFLUENCERS : How can I best leverage influencers with Branded Content campaigns ?

Influencer’s selection for your brand campaign

To find the most relevant influencers to address your campaign target audience, first create a videolist made with the videos associated to your target, by finding videos by topics, country and/or demography wth the videos search tool. Then, create a campaign and a youtubers selection based on your videolist. The tool will use your videolist to identify the most relevant youtubers to address your target.

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Campaign views Forecast for one or several influencers

Once you’ve selected the influencers you want to work with, go to the dashboard of their channels in the « Forecast » section. Create a group of 3 or 4 recent videos close to the video format or/and subject that the YouTuber will use for the Brand Content video. Then select the likely upload date of the video : wiztracker provides the first 60 day forecast of the number of views of the Brand Content video.

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Managing your multi-video Brand Content campaign

Once influencer(s) selected and BC video(s) posted, you can track your brand content video(s) views evolution and compare it to the forecast.

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Forecasted and effective reach of a multi-video campaign

For campaigns with several Brand Content videos, and given a selection of relevant YouTubers, Wiztracker provides the combination of influencers for the best reach. Enter the forecasts of each relevant influencer and the total number of influencers you want and Wiztracker calculates the reach of each combination of youtubers. The reach reporting tool gives then the effective reach of your brand content videos once posted.

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Social Media Influencers

Find the influencers who already comment and/or share your contents on YouTube and on Social Media. Contact the relevant influencers to suggest them to do a video for you or to share your new contents.

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Share of Voice

Discover your audience share on your brand’s topics, and compare it both to competition and YouTube creators who publish on the same topics.

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Channels close to yours

Detect the channels with an audience close to yours: this helps you know the other channels your community is watching, and discover youtubers who you can collaborate with for the greatest joy of your community.

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Public/Private Statistics

Compare your videos performances per views on different periods (first 7 days to know the best performances at launch, last 30 days to know the videos which perform on a long term basis,…), and other KPI’s like subscribers loyalty, subscribers conversion, watchtime or engagement.

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Generic/Reference groups ranking

Check your ranking inside the channels of your category and country and inside your closest channels in terms of audience and subjects. It helps you evaluate your performances and inspires you from what the best channels do.

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BENCHMARKING & COMPARING MY PAID MEDIA INVESTMENTS VS. THE COMPETITION : How to compare the performances of my videos, my channel and my advertisement investments with my competitors?

Ad Campaign

This tool estimates the views made through advertisment on competitors’ channels and/or videos on a selected period. Ad Campaign tops also allow to see the biggest campaigns and channel investments on YouTube.

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PROGRAMMING MY BRAND CHANNEL : Which subjects should I use for my new videos and when should I publish them to get more views?

Trending Topics

With Trending Topics, identify, per country and category, the most popular topics, relevant for your channel, to use for your next videos. Another way to find subjects used by your lookalike channels and competitors is to create a channel group and filter the list of topics on this group.

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Programming topics

On « programming topics » tab, find the most used topics, the best performing topics on your channel and the most appreciated topics by your subscribers (with the subscribers loyalty rate). You just have to adapt your programs depending on the results.

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Best uploading schedule

Wiztracker calculates, according to your lookalike channels, the best days in the week, and hours in the day, to publish a video.

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SEO FOR YOUR VIDEOS : How can I get the most views from the YouTube search engine? Which keywords should I change to get more views from my old videos or for the new ones?

SEO Optimization for your older videos

Follow the instructions starting by the exclusion of your internal Keywords (related to your channel) and then, optimize your titles, descriptions and tags of your videos using the Wiztracker recommendations.

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SEO Ranking

Check your YouTube Search Engine ranking on the keywords related to the subjects of your videos and discover also the ranking of your best competitors to get ideas on keywords to use.

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SEO Suggestions for new videos

Enter the subject of your next video, discover the most popular keywords associated to this subject and use them in the title, description and tags of this video.

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RETENTION OF USERS : How can I keep visitors as long as possible on my channel? How can I multiply the number of views made per visitor?

Retention Optimization

Follow Wiztracker tool’s instructions that will help you optimize your playlists and annotations to keep the viewers on your channel and increase your number of views.

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