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Automatic summary
The channel offers a behind-the-scenes look at the Netflix series Heartstopper, showcasing the experiences of actor Tobie Donovan and other cast members through a series of vlogs. Viewers can expect insights into the filming process, including set tours, wardrobe choices, and interactions among the cast and crew. The videos capture the excitement, camaraderie, and challenges faced during production, providing a unique perspective on the creation of the beloved series, while also exploring personal growth, friendship, and the impact of the show on the lives of those involved.
Hey! I’m Tobie and I play Isaac in the brand new Netflix show “HEARTSTOPPER”

On this channel I’m going to be posting all the behind the scenes videos I have from the Heartstopper set, to share with you all how we made our show!

When I was younger, I would always watch behind the scenes videos from my favourite movies and TV shows, and it would always inspire me to become an actor. I promised myself that when I was a professional actor, I would make similar behind the scenes videos for all the other kids like me who would be interested! So here it is!

I am not a YouTuber, so apologies that this isn’t the most profesional content you’ve ever seen! Lol! But I hope you can appreciate the love we all had for making this show! And how much we all really care about the Heartstopper story!

So I hope you enjoy these videos, and if you haven’t already, go stream HEARTSTOPPER on Netflix NOW!! 📚🍂💜